
Often times, you have different environments that your project can live in which require at least slightly different settings. For example, usually a development/local, staging, and production setup is good for most sites. Roots supports environments by allowing different app.coffee files to be used for different environments.

Environment-Specific App.coffee

To make a new app.coffee file that’s scoped to a specific environment, just add another extension before the .coffee that represents the name of the environment. For example, for a production config file, you could call it:


You can have as many environment specific app.coffee files as you want, and can call the environments whatever you want. In all cases, they will be ignored from the compilation process.

Compiling With an Environment

To compile with an environment, you can pass an --env or -e flag to the watch or compile commands on the command line with the name of your environment, as such:

roots compile -e production

If you are using the javascript api, you can pass an env option to the Roots constructor as such:

var Roots = require('roots');
var project = new Roots(__dirname, { env: 'production' })

Again, you can use any word you want for the environment, production is just used here as an example. If you cause roots to compile with an environment, but no environment-specific app.coffee file is found, it will print a warning.